- Applicants may contact Registrar to the Issue in case of any pre-issue
or post issue related problems (non-receipt of Allotment Advice, refunds
or credit of NCDs)
- In case of ASBA Application submitted to the SCSBs, the Applicants
should contact Registrar to the Issue with copy to the relevant SCSB.
- In case of queries related to upload of Applications submitted to the
Lead Manager's / Lead Brokers/ Brokers / Trading Member/ CRTA/CDP
should contact the relevant Lead Manager / Lead Brokers/ Brokers /
Trading Member/CRTA/CDP.
- The grievances arising out of Applications for the NCDs made through
Trading Members may be addressed directly to Stock Exchanges.
Muthoot Mercantile Limited
Registered Oce: 1st Floor, North Block, Muthoot Floors,
Opposite W&C Hospital, Thycaud,
Thiruvananthapuram 695 014, Kerala, India
Tel: +91-471-277-4800
Email: info@muthootenterprises.com
Website: www.muthootenterprises.com
Compliance Ocer and Company Secretary: Remya R.S
CIN: U65921KL1997PLC011260;
KFin Technologies Limited
Selenium, Tower-B, Plot No – 31 & 32,
Financial District, Nanakramguda,
Serilingampally, Hyderabad,
Rangareddi –500 032, Telangana, India
Telephone: +91 40 6716 2222;
Facsimile: +91 40 6716 1563
Email: mml.ncdipo@kntech.com;
Website: www.kntech.com
Contact Person: M Murali Krishna
Investor Grievance id: einward.ris@kntech.com
SEBI Registration Number: INR000000221
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEAR HERE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I/We hereby agree and conrm that:
1. I/We have read, understood and agreed to the contents and terms and conditions of the Prospectus dated December 24, 2024 (“Prospectus”) of Muthoot Mercantile Limited
2 I/We hereby apply for allotment of the NCDs to me/us and the amount payable on application is remitted herewith.
3. I/We hereby agree to accept the NCDs applied for or such lesser number as may be allotted to me/us in accordance with the contents of the Prospectus subject to applicable statutory and/or regulatory requirements.
4. I/We irrevocably give my/our authority and consent to Mitcon Credentia Trusteeship Services Limited (the “Debenture Trustee”), to act as my/our trustees and for doing such acts as are necessary to carry out their duties in such capacity.
5. I am/We are Indian National(s) resident in India and I am/ we are not applying for the said NCDs as nominee(s) of any person resident outside India and/or Foreign National(s).
6. The application made by me/us does not exceed the investment limit on the maximum number of NCDs which may be held by me/us under applicable statutory and/or regulatory requirements.
7. In making my/our investment decision I/We have relied on my/our own examination of Muthoot Mercantile Limited and the terms of the issue, including the merits and risks involved and my/our decision to make this application is solely
based on disclosures contained in the Prospectus.
8. I/We have obtained the necessary statutory and/or regulatory permissions/approvals for applying for, subscribing to, and seeking allotment of the NCDs applied for, as applicable.
9. UPI Mechanism for Blocking Funds shall only be used by Resident Individual Investors, who have submitted bid for an amount not more than ₹5,00,000 in through intermediaries (viz. syndicate members, registered stock brokers, registrar
to an issue and transfer agent and depository participants) any of the bidding options in the Issue (including HUFs applying through their Karta and does not include NRIs).
10. Additional Undertaking, in case of ASBA Applicants: 1) I/We hereby undertake that I/We am/are an ASBA Applicant(s) as per applicable provisions of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue and Listing of Non-Convertible
Securities) Regulations, 2021 (“SEBI NCS Regulations”); 2) In accordance with ASBA process provided in the SEBI NCS Regulations and disclosed in the Prospectus, I/We authorize (a) the Lead Manager(s), Lead Brokers, Trading
Members (in Specied cities only), Broker, CRTA, CDP or the SCSBs as the case may be, to do all acts as are necessary to make the Application in the Issue, including uploading my/our application, blocking or unblocking of funds in the
bank account maintained with the SCSB as specied in the Application Form or in the bank account of the Applicant linked with UPI ID provided in the Application Form as the case may be, transfer of funds to the Public Issue Account
on receipt of instruction from the Lead Manager and Registrar to the Issue or the Sponsor Bank, after nalization of Basis of Allotment; and (b) the Registrar to the Issue or Sponsor Bank, as the case may be, to issue instruction to the
SCSBs to unblock the funds in the specied bank account upon nalization of the Basis of Allotment. 3) In case the amount available in the specied Bank Account is insucient as per the Application, the SCSB shall reject the Application.
11. I/We conrm that I/We shall be allocated and alloted Option I NCDs wherein I/We have not indicated the choice of the relevant option of NCDs.
Attention of the applicants is specically drawn to the provisions of sub-Section (1) of Section 38 of the Companies Act, 2013, relating to punishment for ctitious applications. Section 38(1)
of the Companies Act, 2013 provides that:
“Any person who: (a) makes or abets making of an application in a ctitious name to a company for acquiring, or subscribing for its, securities; or (b) makes or abets making multiple
applications to a company in dierent names or in dierent combinations of his name or surname for acquiring or subscribing for its securities; or (c) otherwise induces directly or indirectly a
company to allot, or register any transfer of, securities to him, or to any other person in a ctitious name, shall be liable for action under Section 447 of the Companies Act, 2013, as amended.”
Investor Category
Sub Category
Investor Category Sub Category
Investor Category Sub Category
Category I (“Institutional Portion”) Category II (“Non Institutional Portion”) Category III*
(“Retail Individual
Resident public nancial institutions as dened in Section 2(72)
of the Companies Act 2013, statutory corporations including
state industrial development corporations.
11 Companies falling within the meaning of Section 2(20)
of the Companies Act 2013; bodies corporate and
societies registered under the applicable laws in India
and authorised to invest in the NCDs
21 Resident Indian individuals 31
Scheduled commercial Banks, co-operative Banks and regional
rural Banks, and multilateral and bilateral development nance
institutions which are authorised to invest in the NCDs
12 Educational institutions and associations of persons
and/or bodies established pursuant to or registered
under any central or state statutory enactment, which
are authorised to invest in the NCDs.
22 Hindu Undivided Families through
the Karta
Provident funds of minimum corpus of ` 2,500 lakhs, Pension
funds of minimum corpus of ` 2,500 lakhs, Superannuation funds
and gratuity fund which are authorised to invest in the NCDs.
13 Trust including public/private charitable/religious trusts
which are authorised to invest in the NCDs
Alternative investment funds, subject to investment conditions
applicable to them under the Securities and Exchange Board
of India (Alternative Investment Funds) Regulations, 2012
14 Association of persons 24
Resident venture capital funds registered with SEBI 15 Scientic and/or industrial research organisations,
which are authorised to invest in the NCDs
Insurance Companies registered with the IRDAI 16 Partnership rms in the name of the partners 26
National Investment Fund (set up by resolution no. F. No.
2/3/2005-DDII dated November 23, 2005 of the Government
of India and published in the Gazette of India)
17 Limited Liability Partnership formed and registered
under the provisions of the Limited Liability Partnership
Act, 2008 (No. 6 of 2009)
Insurance funds set up and managed by the Indian army, navy
or the air force of the Union of India or by the Department
of Posts, India;
18 Resident Indian individuals and Hindu undivided
families through the Karta aggregating to a value
exceeding ` 5 lakhs.
Mutual Funds registered with SEBI 19
Systemically Important NBFC registered with RBI and having a
net-worth of more than ` 50,000 lakh as per the last audited
nancial statements
*applications aggregating to a value not more than `5 lakhs
applications upto a value of ` 5 lakhs shall only be under the UPI Mechanism.
Frequency of interest Payment Monthly Cumulative Monthly Cumulative Monthly Cumulative Monthly Cumulative Cumulative
Minimum Application 10 NCDs i.e. ₹ 10,000 (across all series of NCDs)
In multiples, of One NCD after the minimum application
Face Value of NCDs (₹/NCD) ₹1,000
Issue Price (₹/NCD) ₹1,000
Nature Secured
Tenure 400 Days 400 Days 20 Months 20 Months 36 Months 36 Months 60 Months 60 Months 73 Months
Coupon rate % Per Annum 10.00% NA 10.15% NA 10.75% NA 11.00% NA NA
Eective Yield % Per Annum 10.47% 10.17% 10.64% 10.16% 11.30% 10.60% 11.57% 10.64% 12.07%
Mode of Interest Payment/ Redemption Through Various options available
Amount (₹/ NCD) on Maturity ₹ 1,000.00 ₹ 1,112.00 ₹ 1,000.00 ₹1,175.00 ₹ 1,000.00 ₹ 1,353.00 ₹ 1,000.00 ₹1,658.00 ₹2,000
Maturity / Redemption Date 400 Days 400 Days 20 Months 20 Months 36 Months 36 Months 60 Months 60 Months 73 Months
Put and Call Option Not Applicable
Nature of Indebtness Secured
On any relevant Record Date, the Registrar and/or our Company shall determine the list of the holder(s) of the Issue and identify such Investors/ NCD Holders, (based on their DP identication and /or PAN and/or entries in the Register of NCD Holders)
and make the requisite payment of additional incentive.
The additional incentive will be given only on the NCDs allotted in this Issue i.e., to Senior Citizens. In case if any NCD is bought/acquired from secondary market or from open market, additional incentive will not be paid on such bought/acquired NCDs.
In case Senior Citizens sells/ gifts/ transfer any NCDs allotted in this Issue, additional incentive will not be paid on such sold/ gifted/ transferred NCD except in case where NCDs are transferred to the joint holder/nominee in case of death of the initial allottee.
Our Company would allocate and allot Series I NCDs wherein the applicants have not indicated the choice of the relevant NCD Series.
For further information please refer to section titled “Issue Related Information” on page 168 of the Prospectus.
If the Deemed Date of Allotment undergoes a change, the coupon payment dates, redemption amounts and cash ow workings shall be changed accordingly. Please refer to section titled “Issue Related Information” on page 168 of the Prospectus. Also for further
details of the interest payment please refer to “Manner of Payment of Interest/Redemption Amounts” on page 182 of the Prospectus.
For further details, please refer to the Prospectus.
All capitalised terms not specically dened therein shall have the meaning given to such terms in the Prospectus.
For Rejection of Applications : Please refer to page 17 of the Abridged Prospectus.
Basis of Allotment : For details, please refer to page 19 of the Abridged Prospectus.